WEEKEND shenanigans: books, books, and more books

i did not buy this. but i wanted to.

i woke up early on saturday and went to the chiropractor appointment that i missed on friday— i think there’s a false misconception about them, but it makes me chuckle that we’ve become so conditioned to believe in western medicine over more natural remedies. that’s not a bash towards western medicine, i think we’ve made huge strides we should be thankful for. the naturalists don’t have much to lose compared to the doctors in bed with big pharma— and don’t get me started on how we’ve poisoned our own food supply. but, she cracked by back a bunch of places & i was feeling like a million bucks. I stumbled across the beaman library book sale and scored some real BALLANTINE'S illustrated history books about wwii— pearl harbor, the reichstag fire, warsaw uprising, churchill, along with a few others. got some various yard work done, then paid a visit to masterman’s to lend a friend a hand with large SCREEN PRINTING job.

sunday was the last day of brimfield that i wanted to try to get over to— the forecast was looking a bit rough, so an old friend and i decided check out oh my gosh antiques in sterling. it was a beautiful ride over there, overcast weather and all— it felt like a genuine fall, new england day. i picked up MORE books over there, mostly antiquarian along with a few war magazines from the 40s. we hit wachusett mountain on the way back for a quick drive up to the summit where i finished off a roll of cinestill 800, which got shipped out today. i think i’m going to take a vacation to acadia national park next week, but we’ll see where the wind blows.

i also did not buy this. but i also wanted to.


