leather work gloves: hold fast

The origin of the phrase “Hold Fast” can be found in the dutch phrase “houd vast” which, when translated into english, means “Hold Tight.”


The phrase became popular with sailors in regards to securing a ship’s ropes & rigging— so popular that it wasn’t uncommon to find the phrase tattooed on the knuckles of men who made life on the sea their sole purpose of existence. The understanding of working on the sea was that you would dedicate two hands— one for yourself, and one for the ship. In order to be a successful member of the crew, you’d need to manage to take care of yourself first. Once you found yourself firmly planted (both physically and mentally) you then found yourself ready to assist the crew in whatever storm mother nature threw your way.

I inked these leather work gloves about a year ago after really staring at the Sailor Jerry flash sheets that hang on my wall— they’ve since become incredibly worn & weathered which i think adds to the personal story that they tell.


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