I’ve been on the lookout for the Russ Cochran EC Archives slipcase editions for a long while. I’ve visited comic shops everywhere I have traveled, I’ve had friends look everywhere they have traveled, I’ve had EBAY search notifications on, and I had scourged the internet for hours trying to find them-- bubkis. I was almost ready to give up-- ec pre-trend titles aren’t all too popular, so surely I thought it would be easy to find them. 

one day last month, I found myself walking through the doors at my local pop culture emporium (their words, not mine) That’s Entertainment downtown in the Woo. I usually stop in there once every couple of months to check their glass case of back issues-- I had scored some really great golden age westerns at amazing prices on multiple occasions. I took a quick lap around the store to view the leftover record store day box, which brought me to the discount graphic novels, which caused me to quickly glance at the top of the new release shelf-- voila! There they were! The ENTIRE set of EC Archives I had been searching for. I foolishly passed on the Western set they had, but promptly purchased the Frontline Combats I had been searching for-- I went back the next week to score the Gunfighter & Saddle Justice set but they were gone. 

And so begins the new search for THAT slipcase.


philosophy: i think, therefore i am
