i’d love to do a whole series of these

the two weeks to flatten the curve have been bizarre, to say the least. we went from “14 days from your march of 2020” to “how do we properly celebrate holidays, again?” but i digress— politics & pandemic aside, i was grateful for another trip around the sun & another day spent with those i’m closest with. on thanksgiving day, i ran george Washington’s THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION on the blog. a unpolished account of Washington’s humility & gratitude— it’s an important document & i recommend scrolling back to thanksgiving day on the blog in case you missed it— it’s a quick read. 

i ended up waking up fairly late after spending Wednesday night with some friends— we had stopped by the newly renovated hotel vernon which hardly looked different after their two years of closed doors. something i’ve observed is that if it weren’t for my friends enjoying bars, i wouldn’t set foot in them. i’ve never been all to into drinking & and i absolutely cannot stomach beer. i’m a fan of hard cider, and if that’s unavailable, it’s straight to the whiskey shelf for me. 

i ordered myself a makers mark on the rocks and sipped on that the entire duration of my patronizing the bar. we laughed, we told stories, we argued our differing philosophies but the night ended with our small, MAKESHIFT table toasting to good health, and good friendship— it was the closest i had felt to those guys in a while, and i was happy to have spent some time them. thursday morning, i got into the shower around ten & did an hour or two of crypto trading before heading over to my grandmothers house— unfortunately, my mother was waiting on a covid test so we ate together, from a distance (if it were my choice, i would have embraced her fully, as i have for 25 years of my life) leaving there, i bolted for papasan’s house on the other side of the city. he & veronica put together one heck of a dinner with an absolute picture-perfect aesthetic-- it’s something not to be missed. we spent a few hours there and then headed home to unwind from what really wasn’t all TOO hectic of a day, but was somehow tiring, nevertheless. 

the long weekend was real wonderful & i was able to plug away at a few projects i’ve been stuck on over the past couple of months— i’ve been building an intricate system of bookshelves in my studio with plans to file my collection of books by genre & color. though it seems mindless, i realized that staring at the project was becoming more tiring than actually DOING the project— when it’s done, i’ll be sure to share some pics to the blog.

another thanksgiving has passed which brings us into another busy christmas season— joe fish and i leave for chicago next week, but we’ll only be gone for a few days and we’ll be back before we knew we were gone. it’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost over, but i’m looking forward to what’s in store for next year.


art i dig: “The Welsh Division at Mametz Wood”


federalist papers no. 10