i maybe get a handful of emails every couple of months from somebody inquiring about a blog post or personal questions regarding who i am— i assumes those folks are mostly feds so i try not to give them too much information. combined with questions i get asked in real life & inquiries from you internet strangers, here you are:

“Why do you feel the need to carry a gun? Are you insecure in your masculinity or something?”

This is a great question + a very clear dig at me. Luckily, I’m a tough cookie, so i can take it. The true answer is much deeper but the blanket is answer is very simple: bodily autonomy. i grew up around guns— my first exposure to handling & shooting was around age 12 or so. in scouts, we shot .22 henrys and that is what ultimately served as the foundation for my knowledge in gun safety. the bodily autonomy reasoning is a rather simple one— if we collectively agree upon the idea that one should have complete control and complete agency over their body, then the right to self-defense, by any means, is a fundamental one.

“You only ever seem to listen to sad music, why is that? how could you possibly enjoy it?”

Ha! this one made me laugh out loud. I don’t necessarily think that i ONLY listen to sad music, but I understand the sentiment. I love genuine americana music. I think one of my greatest musical influences is Townes Van Zandt— in turn, many of the artists i listen to note him as a major influence. There’s a great interview where Townes talks about his song-writing (which is traditionally sad and somber) and how he feels that something so raw and genuine is so beautiful, even if its sad. A little while ago, I wrote a blog about Ray Charles and noted his comparison between blues and country music on how they’re one in the same— give it a read and then you’ll understand. 

“Those boots are BEAUTIFUL, where did you get them?!”

They’re iron rangers, from Red Wings. a real solid pair of boots is tough to come by— it’s even tougher to find a solid pair that is COMPLETELY american made. I’m on about a year and half of owning these boots and they’ve paid for themselves. The sole holds up, the weight feels balanced, and the 3 speed hooks make them an absolute breeze to tie. I’ll write an in-depth review with a guide on how I care for them in the future. 

“I haven’t heard much about what you’re up to on this blog— I hope all is well!”

Not a question, but i appreciate that very much— things are solid and I’ve been busy with a bunch of different projects. I’m hoping to allot some time for more design work in the coming weeks. I’ve got 6 tracks that i’ll be recording with an estimated release date of December 2022. I know the blog has been a lot of history stories lately and nothing too lengthy— but we’ll eventually branch out more. As always, I appreciate you stopping by!


