CLASSIC GUN ADS: WINCHESTER .22 Apr 11 Written By a. w. fish you can really see the evolution of culture if you jump back and analyze early ADVERTISEMENTS of all kinds— there’s something about that transition that offers some insight into how society has changed overtime. my fascination with gun ads comes from two things: a deep appreciation for guns the cultural shift in how we view themthere was a point in time that guns were a lot more casual— you could head to the department store and pick up a .22 at age 15. something has changed in culture that we can no longer trust such loose gun regulations and i have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the devaluing of human life and an INABILITY to agree upon objective morality— but nobody wants to have that conversation quite yet. a. w. fish
CLASSIC GUN ADS: WINCHESTER .22 Apr 11 Written By a. w. fish you can really see the evolution of culture if you jump back and analyze early ADVERTISEMENTS of all kinds— there’s something about that transition that offers some insight into how society has changed overtime. my fascination with gun ads comes from two things: a deep appreciation for guns the cultural shift in how we view themthere was a point in time that guns were a lot more casual— you could head to the department store and pick up a .22 at age 15. something has changed in culture that we can no longer trust such loose gun regulations and i have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the devaluing of human life and an INABILITY to agree upon objective morality— but nobody wants to have that conversation quite yet. a. w. fish